Sunday 29 July 2012

The Clueless Cowboy

 He pleaded for somebody to show him the good old days
Those times when he used to dance in a young hedonistic haze

But those glory years often brought him close to tears
Was that the best I’ll ever be became one of his most lingering fears

Melodies bring back memories, so he requested a tune
Hoping it would take him back to a place he left behind too soon
But he didn’t realise those times were just a hollow illusion
And that looking ahead, not back, was the only solid solution

For he was a clueless cowboy in a spit and sawdust saloon
Out of his depth and running late for high noon

I told him again that time don’t wait for a restless soul
But acceptance is selective for a mind out of control
Without male guidance he fumbled through adolescence blind
Still yet to learn that often the harshest lessons turn out kind

Adulthood made him more insecure, than ever as a teen
Becoming convinced the answers lay in a long forgotten dream

Faith is not a childish game, is what he believed was true
But he felt the world conspired against him in his destructive view
He knew he must look forward and forget the past to gain a sense of sight
Search hard ahead and follow his heart to find the source of light

For the dark side of the moon is a place where only sad souls go
It’s depressing, sinister, not a nice place and would nurture all his woe

But while age is a cruel affliction, he thought, in seeing the years pass by
With age comes wisdom and wisdom with age is a truism he couldn’t deny
Desperate to find his way in the world, he knew life could be hard and cruel
Untamed demons never discriminate and would make him out a fool

Throughout his life he lived many lives and while he knew it was no race
He was scared to admit and found it hard to accept that on occasion he lost his face

But that was part of his healing and growing, which was previously unknown
Together with admitting that he wasn’t as strong, and didn’t have to do it alone
In many ways to ask for help was a weakness he’d always suppressed
But angels appeared and showed him the universe and the secrets it possessed

For Angels come in many forms to be our guiding light
They bring no halos, wings or wands and are rarely dressed in white

The most important lesson to learn, they said, is that many things give you wealth
But you can’t move on and be truly loved until you love yourself

Thursday 26 July 2012

The Corner Bar

There's an old man sitting alone in a corner bar
His eyes chasing the smoke of his Cuban cigar

He’s a private soul with many a story to tell
Especially of his limp caused by a German shell
A girl cheerfully pulls ale from a worn varnished tap
Trying to forget she’s caught in the sex game trap

The day is her salvation and the night her blight
No one has ever cared enough about her plight
A young-looking man who last month lost his wife
Sits against the wall and questions the point to life

There's a barrier at the end of his distrusting mind
And finds it hard to get through the daily grind
The successful suit has all the money on earth
But he questions of himself his paternal worth

His demeanor is cold and says leave me alone
Along with the guilt he exudes that he’s never at home
The disheveled guy at the piano has many a fan
Not surprising he was once a famous front man

His fingers and voice made him into a star
Until alcohol took hold and took him too far
A taxi driver comes in with a purposeful stare
Parked on double yellows, and looking for a fare

A rotund fellow, he sits all day in a cab
He remembers the days when he was a slim, fit lad
A child hops around the tables as if she’s a frog
And shrieks with delight at the big fluffy dog

He belongs to the man who popped in for a beer
Before he goes home with a belly full of cheer

Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Social Media Age

Have you ever stopped for just a second
To remember the days before we were beckoned

To a world so unrecognisable from when we were young
What’s that you say, your iphone just rung?

It’s like your iphone gives life like the Joshua tree
Whatever happened to the infamous Beattie from BT?

Times have moved on, with or without your voice
And now whatever you choose is a digital choice

We’re in the internet age, and there’s nowhere to hide
And why would you want to, it’s an incredible ride

But don’t act like a lack of service is a total disgrace
Get real people, this magic is coming from space!

Ok Beattie ‘it’s good to talk’, but now we talk too much
Cos there’s too many platforms for us to get in touch

Nobody cares whether you’re bored or
Or ‘that awkward moment’ when you caught your knob in your cdRom

And of course nothing’s finished until you #hashtag it
Like you’ve just discovered an untapped source of wit

facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and, remember mySpace?
A poor forerunner and now social media’s welfare case

Every one exists for self-importance and promotion
And in this day and age this is such a normal notion

But just cos today social media is taught in school
It will still expose you if you’re a massive tool

Saturday 14 July 2012

Out of my Window

 Out of my window, there’s a tantalising view
Of a place so far out of reach, it makes me blue

Let me out, I think, if for nothing but my sanity
My skin needs some Vitamin D, for health not vanity

For we are all solar-powered and need the light
To provide us with energy and give us some fight


Out of my window, it rains for all it is worth
It’s not like any more is needed for the sopping-wet earth

A break in the cloud for some blue would be nice
Just a reminder of what it can be like would suffice

We all long for the sun, with which we are almost obsessed
To the point where its lack often makes us depressed


Out of my window the trees they are waiving
Together, they dance, as if my attention they are craving

We’re always here, they say, but seek no praise for our being
It’s easy to not see the very thing you are seeing

You forget we are as important as the feel-good sun
For it is us who provide your oxygen


Out of my window I now see a different scene
One that in my eyes looks altogether more serene

While I hate to be inside, restrained and confined
On a day in a summer when nothing in the world seems aligned

I remember there are things more significant than me
And certainly more important than getting some Vitamin D