Thursday 26 July 2012

The Corner Bar

There's an old man sitting alone in a corner bar
His eyes chasing the smoke of his Cuban cigar

He’s a private soul with many a story to tell
Especially of his limp caused by a German shell
A girl cheerfully pulls ale from a worn varnished tap
Trying to forget she’s caught in the sex game trap

The day is her salvation and the night her blight
No one has ever cared enough about her plight
A young-looking man who last month lost his wife
Sits against the wall and questions the point to life

There's a barrier at the end of his distrusting mind
And finds it hard to get through the daily grind
The successful suit has all the money on earth
But he questions of himself his paternal worth

His demeanor is cold and says leave me alone
Along with the guilt he exudes that he’s never at home
The disheveled guy at the piano has many a fan
Not surprising he was once a famous front man

His fingers and voice made him into a star
Until alcohol took hold and took him too far
A taxi driver comes in with a purposeful stare
Parked on double yellows, and looking for a fare

A rotund fellow, he sits all day in a cab
He remembers the days when he was a slim, fit lad
A child hops around the tables as if she’s a frog
And shrieks with delight at the big fluffy dog

He belongs to the man who popped in for a beer
Before he goes home with a belly full of cheer

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