Sunday 29 July 2012

The Clueless Cowboy

 He pleaded for somebody to show him the good old days
Those times when he used to dance in a young hedonistic haze

But those glory years often brought him close to tears
Was that the best I’ll ever be became one of his most lingering fears

Melodies bring back memories, so he requested a tune
Hoping it would take him back to a place he left behind too soon
But he didn’t realise those times were just a hollow illusion
And that looking ahead, not back, was the only solid solution

For he was a clueless cowboy in a spit and sawdust saloon
Out of his depth and running late for high noon

I told him again that time don’t wait for a restless soul
But acceptance is selective for a mind out of control
Without male guidance he fumbled through adolescence blind
Still yet to learn that often the harshest lessons turn out kind

Adulthood made him more insecure, than ever as a teen
Becoming convinced the answers lay in a long forgotten dream

Faith is not a childish game, is what he believed was true
But he felt the world conspired against him in his destructive view
He knew he must look forward and forget the past to gain a sense of sight
Search hard ahead and follow his heart to find the source of light

For the dark side of the moon is a place where only sad souls go
It’s depressing, sinister, not a nice place and would nurture all his woe

But while age is a cruel affliction, he thought, in seeing the years pass by
With age comes wisdom and wisdom with age is a truism he couldn’t deny
Desperate to find his way in the world, he knew life could be hard and cruel
Untamed demons never discriminate and would make him out a fool

Throughout his life he lived many lives and while he knew it was no race
He was scared to admit and found it hard to accept that on occasion he lost his face

But that was part of his healing and growing, which was previously unknown
Together with admitting that he wasn’t as strong, and didn’t have to do it alone
In many ways to ask for help was a weakness he’d always suppressed
But angels appeared and showed him the universe and the secrets it possessed

For Angels come in many forms to be our guiding light
They bring no halos, wings or wands and are rarely dressed in white

The most important lesson to learn, they said, is that many things give you wealth
But you can’t move on and be truly loved until you love yourself

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