Saturday 14 July 2012

Out of my Window

 Out of my window, there’s a tantalising view
Of a place so far out of reach, it makes me blue

Let me out, I think, if for nothing but my sanity
My skin needs some Vitamin D, for health not vanity

For we are all solar-powered and need the light
To provide us with energy and give us some fight


Out of my window, it rains for all it is worth
It’s not like any more is needed for the sopping-wet earth

A break in the cloud for some blue would be nice
Just a reminder of what it can be like would suffice

We all long for the sun, with which we are almost obsessed
To the point where its lack often makes us depressed


Out of my window the trees they are waiving
Together, they dance, as if my attention they are craving

We’re always here, they say, but seek no praise for our being
It’s easy to not see the very thing you are seeing

You forget we are as important as the feel-good sun
For it is us who provide your oxygen


Out of my window I now see a different scene
One that in my eyes looks altogether more serene

While I hate to be inside, restrained and confined
On a day in a summer when nothing in the world seems aligned

I remember there are things more significant than me
And certainly more important than getting some Vitamin D

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