Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Social Media Age

Have you ever stopped for just a second
To remember the days before we were beckoned

To a world so unrecognisable from when we were young
What’s that you say, your iphone just rung?

It’s like your iphone gives life like the Joshua tree
Whatever happened to the infamous Beattie from BT?

Times have moved on, with or without your voice
And now whatever you choose is a digital choice

We’re in the internet age, and there’s nowhere to hide
And why would you want to, it’s an incredible ride

But don’t act like a lack of service is a total disgrace
Get real people, this magic is coming from space!

Ok Beattie ‘it’s good to talk’, but now we talk too much
Cos there’s too many platforms for us to get in touch

Nobody cares whether you’re bored or tired.com
Or ‘that awkward moment’ when you caught your knob in your cdRom

And of course nothing’s finished until you #hashtag it
Like you’ve just discovered an untapped source of wit

facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and, remember mySpace?
A poor forerunner and now social media’s welfare case

Every one exists for self-importance and promotion
And in this day and age this is such a normal notion

But just cos today social media is taught in school
It will still expose you if you’re a massive tool

1 comment:

  1. Is it ironic that I like this poem despite reading about this blog on Facebook, and then having this update automatically delivered to Google Reader?!


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