Friday 3 May 2013

Velcro Shoes

Notice that as children we need not say a thing
And be the best of friends over a Haribo ring
But as soon as we’re adults we don’t get along
We can say what we want and still get it wrong

As children we are encouraged to follow a dream
No matter how outlandish or even extreme
But when we get older and still want to strive
People think it ridiculous to even want to try

We start out in this world wearing Velcro shoes
And go out when we’re old wearing Velcro shoes
Does it really matter how we act in between?
That we learn to tie laces and dare to dream?

As kids we are berated for the smallest of lies
But the nose of an adult is bigger in size
That’s right Pinocchio’s lesson is with us from youth
But forgotten as soon as one’s long in the tooth

They always say ‘do as we say, not as we do’
And repeat it like a mantra for kids to construe
As soon as they say it, it has a familiar ring
For an adult is the most hypocritical thing

We start out in this world wearing Velcro shoes
And go out when we’re old wearing Velcro shoes
You learned to tie laces but the joy passed you by
Once the child in you left in the blink of an eye

Kids view the world with very few flaws
But don’t as an adult taint it with yours
Or play Ghandi when the extent of your plan
Is to accept what we can’t and change what we can

While an adult insists that they were once young
To a kid you just speak with forked tongue
There’s no point convincing when all is told
In more reasons than one an adult will always be old

We start out in this world wearing Velcro shoes
And go out when we’re old wearing Velcro shoes
But while you might be an adult with a cynical mind
Lose the glint in your eye and you’ll end up blind

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