Sunday 5 May 2013


I’m pushing a mute piano up the stairs
Why, I don’t know, but nobody cares

I’m numb to its weight crushing my being
Trapped and alone with no option of fleeing

I’m lost in a field without a hope
My hands slipping from the guiding rope

I’m deep in the battle completely unarmed
With life as my enemy not easily charmed

I’m trying to sing but I’m way out of key
My heart useless and spent like an amputee

I’m screaming for help but nobody hears
Choosing to be blind when it comes to my tears

I’m a body of matter that’s lost its soul
A shell discarded by life with a gaping hole

I’m hearing louder the noise in my head
It makes more sense now my soul is dead

I’m alone in the fight and learn the sooner I see
That nobody but me is going to help me

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