Tuesday 14 August 2012

If You Only Had An Hour

If you only had an hour

Would you run away every second
Like you’ve always done
Knowing you can’t outrun time
When it has already begun

Or would you laugh every second
And accept the now
The same as you approach life
The only way you know how

If you only had an hour

Would you loathe every second
With your heart’s abundance of hate
Or make peace with what eats you
Before you reach heaven’s gate

Or would you count down every second
Invite your maker along
And show defiance despite
That you feel far from strong

If you only had an hour

Would you still worry every second
And fill yourself with dread
With what may never happen
And for what might lay ahead

Or would you plead every second
To repair your discord
Renegotiate with God
Like a desperate fraud

If you only had an hour

Would you feel every second
With every bit of your soul
Or would you stay hard
And indifferent but in control

Or would you love every second
Before you part
Those who surround you
With an unconditional heart

Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Athlete

My head knows something
That meant so much to me
But my heart won’t see fit
To let go and set me free

They say never walk
In anyone’s shadow
But I’m walking in my own
I always will, head to toe

But this thing so important
As my sense of touch
Should be something
That don’t mean as much

It’s like there’s this guy I know
Looks athletic, fits the mould
But the game passed him by
As age took hold

I was made to do things
With my hands and a ball
But if I can’t play as I used to
I don’t want to play at all

It’s cruel that I still know
How to do what I always did
When my body reminds me
I’m no longer a kid

I know that being an athlete
Does not define who I became
But it made me who I am
It’s much more than a game

I prayed for one more year
To hold on to all I’d known
Realising like every other
I was not alone

I hope to be at peace
Accept it was simply a phase
A single chapter of many
As brief as my playing days

Tuesday 7 August 2012

An Old Friend

Dear old friend, I speak for many a grown-up child
We are sorry and sad that you have been beguiled

While your cascading branches still quiver in the breeze
There is no way for you to hide that you look ill at ease

Gone are those days when we were your fruit
Around your trunk playing kiss chase in hot pursuit

You provided us shelter from the hot summer sun
In your flowing leaves you protected each and every one

And when we needed a confidant we were always aware
Of your soft leafy rustle as if to whisper you care

You were the centrepiece around whom our days revolved
You never failed to nurture us as our young lives evolved

But children aren’t built with a sentimental mind
So please forgive us when we left that we left you behind

Sadly the estate in which you faithfully stood no longer exists
You’re overgrown and forlorn in an overgrown midst

We feel sad to see you stand alone as you wither and weather
And that owing to development you were shunned altogether

For not far from your weepy eye is an institution anew
And now the distant sound of children is just deja-vu

But while you no longer get the chance to affect new recruits
Remember your influence is as far-reaching as your roots

You still have a stately aura and are as graceful in your endeavour
You rise out of the wasteland as formidable as ever

Wise old friend, we know they have been so cruel
You were significant in our childhood and a pillar of our school

But fear not that in our adult minds you won’t live on
It’s a human trait to not know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone

Indelible tree please accept our plea
For you will always be our faithful and majestic Willow Tree