Saturday 2 June 2012

What Matters Most

What Matters Most

There will come a time in all of our lives
For houses and kids and dogs and wives

But before we reach this point in rhyme
Remember we thought we had all the time

To tick off everything possible on our list
And everything in between, no opportunity missed

We all had dreams and things to achieve
But none of us knew which lot we'd receive

Some say whatever, our paths are mapped
By fate and the universe, to which we adapt

But before we turn around to ask where it's gone
Know that the conclusions may not be foregone

In us lay the power, to achieve all our goals
Over time, in a life, where we play so many roles

It's only later we realise it just doesn't matter
We bought into the hype and talk and chatter

Cos the amount who judge success on what they own is rife
Soon we realise it's those around us who make our life.

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